Vintage Industrial styling is a huge design story right now. Think New York loft with exposed ducting, concrete walls and the kind of oversized caged metal lights last seen in a Polish factory. To feed this recent addiction any number of smart design studios are buying up original bits of furniture and upcycling them to create new usable fittings. They look fantastic, but have price tags to match. This wooden sink sideboard is from Italian design company, and costs £1500.
Like it, but too expensive? You can, with a bit of effort, find the very same yourself, for a fraction of the price.
This old carpenters bench was recently posted on Ebay for £200 and eventually sold, complete with original iron vice for £108.
It wouldnt have taken a huge amount of effort to source a similar inset ceramic sink. ( Caple £299)
And tap. (Milano chrome pull down £49)
After a light sand (being careful to retain the original patina of the paint stains) and the application of a good oil such as OSMO, voila: one Artisan Carpenters Sink Unit.
Lost for where to start? Try bric a brac shops, second hand/ charity stores, yard sales, large car boots, reclamation yards, Preloved, Gumtree and of course Ebay. There are no end of gems cluttering up attics and garages across the country whose owners would probably pay to have it cleared. Go rummage. And create.